Sunday, February 10, 2008

Time to Release!

I could never mention any single words other than EMPOWERED. Although I didn't know precisely how the scene looked like back then, but I could almost feel the urgency of positivity raging from the past. Sense of direction that would perfectly shape the current scene and leave something crucial to be marked on the music map. Straight edge emerged as a movement, more than what Ian Mackaye had ever expected at first. Straight Edge has became something that creates bond across worldwide, from each and every continent around the world, you could almost notice there's at least one/two edge kids and that's kinda making me feel more inspired. Music is a vehicle of revolution, that can be used perfectly to bridge our passion. It can be seen from the growth of many hardcore bands around the world, that no matter how many bands have disbanded, at the same time there are new bands out there that keep playing hardcore/punk as their music. And that indicates, how hardcore lives on throughout the year, since its seminal birth in the early 80s.

For further readings on the straight edge: go here!

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